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     FIRS: "Over/Under-reaction and Judgement Noise in Expectations Formation" by Liao


     LSE Paul Woolley: "Information Span in Credit Market Competition" by He, Huang, and Parlatore




     CICF: "Passive Investing and the Rise of Mega-Firms" by Jiang, Vayanos, and Zheng


     LBS Symposium: "The Market for ESG Ratings" by Azarmsa and Shapiro




     EFA: "Activism, Stock Selection, and Indexing in Equilibrium" by Baker, Chapman, and Gallmeyer


     Adam Smith: "Information Acquisition and the Pre-Announcement Drift" by Ai, Bansal, and Han


     Future of Financial Information: "Learning from Prospectuses" by Abis, Buffa, Javadekar, and Lines




     AFA: “Market Feedback: Who Learns What?” by Goldstein, Schneemeier and Yang




     EFA: “Financial Policies and Internal Governance with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences” by Chen and Lambrecht


     IDC Eagle Labs: "Learning from Interest Rates: Implications for Stock-Market Efficiency " by Breugem, Buss, and Peress




      AFA: “How Fast do Investors Learn? Asset Management Investors and Bayesian Learning” by Schwarz and Sun



      UBC Winter Finance: “Trust in Signals and the Origins of Disagreement” by Cheng and Hsiaw



      SFS Cavalcade: "Belief Polarization and Investment" by Garlappi, Giammarino, and Lazrak



      EFA: "Default Risk and the Pricing of U.S. Sovereign Bonds" by Dittmar, Hsu, Roussellet, and Simasek




      INSEAD Finance Symposium: “Institutional Investors and Information Acquisition” by Breugem and Buss



      FIRS: “Inefficient Liquidity Creation” by Schempp and Stephan




      INSEAD Finance Symposium: “Rational Inattention, Misallocation, and Asset Prices” by Gondhi



      Adam Smith Workshop: “Horizon-Dependent Risk Aversion and the Timing and Pricing of Uncertainty” by Andries, Eisenbach, and Schmalz


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